I’ve been running, hiking and scrambling in the Salomon S-Lab Sense 4 Ultra (and the predecessor) for years now, and it’s time for a long-term review.

Salomon S-Lab Sense 4 Ultra Review

Torres Del Paine – Without the W Hike
In February 2019 we headed to Torres del Paine park in Patagonia with our friends Amy and Paul. Here’s a quick guide to what we did and how you can have an amazing time in the park without necessarily doing…

The Galapagos
Well, without a doubt, the Galapagos were AMAZING. We travelled there in October 2018 on the Nemo III 8-Day North Route cruise and had a brilliant, brilliant time. So, first off, I’ve pulled together a couple of videos that probably…

DJI Spark Review – is this the most expensive paperweight ever?
So after 15 months of owning a DJI Spark I thinks it’s time for a review. At the time of purchase the Spark was the smallest, lightest drone readily available with its specs. Full HD camera, fast flying mode, obstacle…
Colombia – Bogota, Manizales, Salento and El Cocuy
After five months of pretty unrelenting sauna-esque temperatures, we were looking for a little rest-bite. We examined the map of Colombia, trying to work out what to do. Logically, flying into Cartagena was the best option. But, well, with July…

Cycling Central America – the Logistics
This blog gives an overview of our route and some of the logistics involved for our cycling trip through Central America in May-July 2018. We’ve written more about what we did in Belize and Honduras and El Salvador in separate…

Guatemala (without bicycles!)
We left El Salvador with a pannier each and hopped on a bus to Antigua, Guatemala. We were very excited about getting to spend some time off the bikes – hiking, running, and really getting to explore some places. We…

Hiking El Cocuy National Park
With only 1000 foreign visitors a year, El Cocuy National Park is an excellent place to get off the beaten track in Colombia. Alas, getting off the beaten track does mean a little bit more organisation and patience – so,…

Cycling El Salvador
The day to El Salvador was long. Really, really long. The road to the border wasn’t paved, which meant it was very slow going, avoiding pot holes, mud and stray stones. And, as we reached the pass (oh yeah, it…