The 30th October 2017 started just like any other day on our trip. I woke up first, ate breakfast, tried to remove the excess ice from our windows, and began trying to coax Konstantin out of bed. We eventually got…
Exploring Newfoundland
On our way to pick up our van we stopped in the beautiful Canadian province of Newfoundland (and Labrador, but we didn’t get into that part!), and toured around for 4 days. Our first afternoon in the capital of St…
Van Browsing
So yesterday Janneke and I went van browsing at a huge used van centre near Heathrow. Exciting times! We just wanted to get a better idea of the dimensions of the vans we’re considering buying for our conversion. Currently our…
What Vehicle to Buy
What vehicle to buy? As far as decisions go, this is definitely going to be a big one. Get it right – we set ourselves up for an epic trip, get it wrong – it could be an expensive mistake.